Breath Prayer
The irony of our lives is that we often find ourselves dwelling in a spirit of ingratitude because we don’t see the immediate fruits of our servanthood. It is during…
He Speaks Everywhere
God speaks everywhere, but very often we are distracted, too busy or in a hurry to notice. Sometimes we see, but we do not recognize or perceive. We hear, but…
The Body as Revelation
Everything proclaims him to you, everything reveals him to you, everything brings him to you. He is by your side, over you, around and in you…your suffering, your actions, your…
A Barometer for the Inner Life
Written prayers are a useful resource for the formation of a disciple. They help us discern what is going on deep within us. Saying written prayers was something Jesus did.…
Heart of Listening
Learning to listen with the heart moves us from the role of observers and enables us to become participants with the Creator in a world full of grace and possibility.…
While reason is the natural organ of truth, imagination is the organ of meaning. – C.S. Lewis New discoveries in the field of neuroscience confirm the truth that our minds…
Prayer is looking out from a different set of eyes, which are not comparing, competing, judging, labeling or analyzing, but receiving the moment in its present wholeness and unwholeness. That…
If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is thank you, that would suffice. — Meister Eckhart Before my eyes were trained to appreciate the unique beauty…