A Deeper Walk

Deeper Walk retreats may be combined with weekend church worship services, can be experienced as a stand-alone event, or can take the form of a one-day introductory seminars.

The objective is to provide participants with experiential knowledge and understanding of spiritual formation practices that encourage a deeper, more personal and intimate relationship with God. The core seminar, Knowing and Experiencing God, includes the following topics:

  • Spirituality and Desire
  • The Spiritual Practices of Jesus
  • Sacred Reading of Scripture
  • Listening to Jesus in Prayer
  • Spiritual Journaling
  • Developing Spiritual Life Rhythms

Printable Brochure

Specialized Deeper Walk Retreats

Experiencing Jesus in Your Marriage

This spiritually formative retreat can help couples learn to intentionally focus on the presence of Christ in their marriage, and by doing so they can find another way to grow in their love for God and for one another.

Who Am I, Really?

Author David Benner defines Christian Spirituality as a transformational journey that recognizes Christ as the deepest truth of our being. It is a journey toward union with God—not just becoming like Christ, but actualizing the Christ who is in us. This retreat focuses on the discovery of false self-concepts and ways to live into the true self, which is hidden in Christ. Emphasis is placed on learning to grow in spiritual maturity through the development of an emotionally and spiritually healthy lifestyle.

Suggested Preparatory Reading

For Further Information