Ministry Staff

Odyssey in Christ Spiritual Directors serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in a relationship of spiritual companionship with the retreat participants.

Dr. Larry Hinkle

Dr. Hinkle is founding director of Odyssey in Christ, Spiritual Formation for Leadership. He has served for over 35 years in pastoral ministry and currently teaches classes in spiritual formation at Grace Communion Seminary and the Asian School of Cross-Cultural Studies and Philippine Missionary Institute. Larry also oversees the OIC Spiritual Companionship Certificate Program, a 2-year experiential study in the art and practice of spiritual direction. Larry and his wife, Joanne have been married for 54 years and have two great-grandchildren. As an experienced retreat leader and trained spiritual director/supervisor, Larry’s passion is to help believers to know God better and to experience his love, presence and empowerment more fully in their personal lives and in their vocational calling.

Dr. Charles Fleming

Dr. Fleming has served for over 40 years in the fellowship of Grace Communion International. During those years he served as a pastor in Jamaica (1978-1991), Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean (1995–2006), and Mission Developer for the Caribbean region (2006–2019). Charles is married to Carmen, the love of his life. He describes their family as an “international family.” Carmen was born in Puerto Rico while he was born in Grenada. Two of their children were born in Puerto Rico and the third in Jamaica. Charles and Carmen share a love for spiritual formation that has led them to serve in the ministry of Odyssey in Christ, a ministry dedicated to helping others experience the personal and intimate love of the Triune God. They consider themselves especially blessed to live close to their two grandchildren and so spend lots of time with them.

Carmen Fleming

Carmen Fleming and her husband Charles have been in ministry together for over four decades. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren who are the apple of their eyes. Carmen’s academic and professional development includes a BA in Social work serving in Puerto Rico 3 years as a Social Worker. She holds an Advanced-level Certification in the study and practice of Formational Prayer from Healing Care Ministries International in Ashland, Ohio. She also is a trained Odyssey in Christ Spiritual Director with 12 years of experience and has a two-year master’s degree in Transformative Spirituality with the Asian School of Development and Cross-Cultural Students/Philippine Missionary Institute, School of Graduate Studies. Her greatest thrill as a retreat leader is seeing participants experience God’s love in very personal and unique ways. She also serves on the Odyssey in Christ Board of Directors as Secretary and as Spiritual Director for OIC retreats and seminars.

Gracie Johnson

Gracie Johnson is a trained Spiritual Director and Instructor for the Odyssey in Christ Ministry and serves as a member on the Board of Directors. Gracie has one son who has blessed her with twin granddaughters. She has worked extensively in the health and legal fields, and currently, along with her responsibilities in the OIC ministry, she is the North American, Canadian and Caribbean Program Director for the Masters in Transformative Spirituality program at the Asian School of Development and Cross-Cultural Studies/Philippine Missionary Institute. Academic work includes a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management and Certificates in MBA & Marketing and Education. She is also trained in Formational Counseling and inner healing prayer. Gracie is an ordained minister with the passion to help others connect intimately with God, to receive healing in body, soul and spirit, and to help with the mind and character-building needs of young people.

Bill Wells

Bill Wells has served in pastoral ministry for seven years as an associate pastor at Living Grace Christian Fellowship in Arvada, Colorado. Now retired, he serves as a member of the Odyssey in Christ ministry team. He has given presentations both in the U. S. and internationally in the application of the various spiritual disciplines in daily living and the practice of learning to live in the present moment. His passion revolves around spiritual formation and helping others in the realization that we have been called into Kingdom life in the here and now. His work background includes organizational development and training.

Donna Rae Wells

Donna Rae Wells has served for many years with her husband Bill in pastoral ministry. She has received training in the practice of Transforming Prayer through Odyssey in Christ and is currently pursuing training in the ministry of Spiritual Direction. She has served as a small group leader and presenter in various Odyssey in Christ retreat/seminar settings. She loves to tell the story of how her life has been forever changed through participation and service in the ministry of OIC, and how her relationship with the Triune God continues to transform her as she daily ministers where He leads and directs. She is passionate about helping others to experience God’s presence in deeper ways.

Ron Hickman

Ron Hickman retired from Siemens Corporation following 40 years of service in a variety of leadership positions, Ron has also retired from serving as a local church elder after many years of leading church ministries and serving as an assistant pastor. Ron is a certified Odyssey in Christ spiritual director, a retreat presenter, co-developer for the OIC Spiritual Companionship Certificate Program, and is a member of the ministry’s editorial staff. In addition, He currently works as a spiritual care volunteer with the Chaplain’s department at Mercy Clermont Hospital by providing spiritual care to hospital inpatients. Ron has a particular passion for serving church pastors and leaders to explore the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life and ministry.

Rebecca Hickman

Rebecca Hickman has worked over 40 years as a Registered Nurse and currently serves part time specializing in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. She also serves as a volunteer at Milford Miami Ministries, a combined local ministry of 22 churches in her area who provide groceries, emergency financial assistance, and spiritual guidance. She is also a spiritual care volunteer with the Chaplain’s department at Mercy Clermont Hospital, in the role of listening and praying with inpatients. She is a certified Odyssey in Christ spiritual director and serves as a retreat presenter, class facilitator and spiritual companionship supervisor. Rebecca has a particular compassion for soul care and how it affects the human body.

Bonny McQueary

Bonny McQueary currently serves on the Odyssey in Christ (OIC) Ministry Board of Directors as the Prayer Coordinator and on the Finance team. Her service to the ministry also includes participation in inner healing prayer and spiritual direction ministry. She is currently the pastor of Grace Community Church, a house church group that meets via Zoom, in Springfield Louisiana. Bonny is a lifelong learner with the OIC Ministry where she continues to receive training in the various spiritual formation practices. She also recently completed a two-year study in Transformative Spirituality through the Asian School of Development and Cross-Cultural Studies/Philippine Missionary Institute program. Bonny says that her life is the proof of God’s infinite love and guidance. Having served for many years in pastoral ministry with emphasis in addressing the needs of the homeless, she is passionate about sharing this love with others who are particularly “invisible” in society.

Dr. Rey Taniajura

Dr. Rey Taniajura serves as our Odyssey in Christ Ministry representative in Asia and the Middle East. He is the Academic Dean of the Graduate Studies Center of Asian School of Development and Cross-Cultural Studies, Inc./Philippine Missionary Institute. He has taught at the International Graduate School of Leadership in Quezon City, Philippines and William Carey International University in Pasadena, California. He is also an academic faculty of the Graduate School in International Development and Diaspora Theological Seminary, South Korea. Currently, he is an adjunct faculty of Asia Pacific Nazarene and Theological Seminary, and CEO of Odyssey Initiatives Group, Inc. Rey is an advocate of Restorative Justice, spirituality and spiritual formation. He enthusiastically promotes OIC in both the Philippines and in other Asian countries.

June Taniajura

June Taniajura, together with her husband Rey, has served in ministry for more than 40 years now. The main area of her ministry is in counseling and facilitating retreats focused on addressing emotional and spiritual woundedness. She obtained a Master of Ministry degree from Trinity Theological Seminary, and a Master of Arts in family psychology and education from Miriam College Foundation in the Philippines. She looks forward to seeing more people in the Philippines gain greater interest in spirituality and spiritual formation.