Personal Online Guided Retreat

Retreat Description

Odyssey in Christ offers one and two-day live, online, guided, spiritual retreats for individuals or small groups wishing to deepen their walk with God. The event requires that participants set aside a 24-hour or a 48-hour period of time in a tranquil setting for the retreat activity and have access to a computer with a webcam and internet connection.

Pre-retreat readings and instruction will be provided. The experience includes meeting online with a spiritual director two to three times during the course of the retreat, one of those times consisting of a one-hour formal spiritual direction session. The particular focus of the retreat time will be determined through consultation with the spiritual director.

Printable retreat brochure

Retreat Costs

Individual: $125/person/day


2 people – $75/person/day
3 people – $50/person/day
4 people – $45/person/day
5 people – $40/person/day

To schedule your guided, personal retreat, contact Dr. Larry Hinkle.

Online registration links are coming soon.