Spiritual Reflections 2
On Being vs Doing

Unity: Jesus is Knocking

Raspberry Reflections

Remaining Spiritually Focused During the Pandemic
Open Letter To My Companion On The Way

Imagine That!

Gratitude Changed My Life

Finding Your Heart’s True Home
Moving Towards the Center

Living Loved

Prayer by Doodling

No More Fear, Safety in God’s Presence
The Practice of Forgiveness

On Being vs Doing
At the Home of Martha and Mary
Unity: Jesus is Knocking
Listening for Jesus’ knock on your heart.
Get down and look up – lessons from raspberries.
Helpful Resources for Journeying with Jesus
COVID-19: Spiritual Resources
It is a privilege to be your spiritual…
Have you ever wondered about your…
At 40 years old, and after suffering…
Finding Our Heart’s True Home
We were designed with core longings…
Moving Towards the Center
I would have to say that I lean to the…
Living Loved
At the request of a young friend,…
Prayer by Doodling
Last September while preparing to
No More Fear…Safety in God’s Presence
I asked God, “How does this…
The Practice of Forgiveness
People like that deserve a special place…
Learning to Say Yes to God
How often do we say NO to God?
How Does God Experience You?
A beautiful white English Lab…
Truth, Desire & Fasting
I remember a slogan that pervaded…
Gaining Spiritual Discernment
Before taking painting lessons…
“Three Rs” Prayer Pattern
When I think of prayer, l often…
Notice Attend Wonder
Not quite a year ago, I…
Surrendering Your Identity
In order for our knowing of God’s love to be…
Waiting in Faith
The bougainvillea plant was violently…
Breath Prayer
The irony of our lives is…
The Body as Revelation
As Christians, we are called to…
He Speaks Everywhere
God speaks everywhere, but very often…
A Barometer for the Inner Life
Written prayers are a useful resource for…
Heart of Listening
This level of listening operates on a deeper spiritual
New discoveries in the field of neuroscience…
Prayer is looking out from a different set of eyes…
If the only prayer you ever say…