
  • Gratitude Changed My Life

    At 40 years old, and after suffering through a church split, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver, and suffered back and knee injuries. My friends thought God was…

  • Finding Our Heart’s True Home

    The more authentic our desires, the more they touch upon our identities and also upon the reality of God at the heart of our being. Philip Sheldrake We were designed…

  • Living Loved

    At the request of a young friend, Henri Nouwen wrote a book entitled, Life of the Beloved. In it, he shared what he considered the most essential truth for living…

  • No More Fear – Safety in God’s Presence

    I recently read the book 5 Voices by Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram. The 5 Voices are: Nurturer, Creative, Pioneer, Connector and Guardian. All five of the ‘voices,’ in their…

  • Learning to Say Yes to God

    How often do we say NO to God? How often do we place God on hold with the intent of just trying to get this one last thing done so…

  • He Speaks Everywhere

    God speaks everywhere, but very often we are distracted, too busy or in a hurry to notice. Sometimes we see, but we do not recognize or perceive. We hear, but…

  • Heart of Listening

    Learning to listen with the heart moves us from the role of observers and enables us to become participants with the Creator in a world full of grace and possibility.…

  • Imagination

    While reason is the natural organ of truth, imagination is the organ of meaning. – C.S. Lewis New discoveries in the field of neuroscience confirm the truth that our minds…